Yıllar içinde sanayinin gelişimi ile beraber kaynak tüketim malzemeleri ihtiyacına cevap vermek üzere MIG/MAG ve TIG Telleri, Özlü Teller, Tozaltı Tozları ve Tellerini üretim amacıyla UNORMAK KURULUŞU OLARAK, ORWELD KAYNAK TELLERİ hizmete başlamıştır. Gazaltı kaynak teli, kaynak sektöründe artık en yaygın kullanılan kaynak tüketim malzemesi haline geldi. Orweld ile sahip olduğumuz mesleki ve sektörel tecrübemizle müşterilerimizin ihtiyaç duydukları özelleştirilebilir hizmetleri sağlamaktayız.

Sürekli gelişme anlayışı ile birlikte, müşterilerimizin ihtiyaç ve beklentilerini karşılamak için güçlü ve güvenilir bir kuruluş olmak ana ilkemizdir. Müşteri memnuniyeti ve kalitede sürekliliğin sağlanması konusunda tüm çalışanlarımız sorumludur. Kalite en önemli işimizidir.

Geleceğimizin sağlam temelleri için tüm çalışanlarımızın gönüllü katılımı ile;

Üretimde verimlilik ve kaliteyi sürekli kılmalı,
Üretim maliyetlerini düşürerek rekabet gücümüzü korumalı,
Kalitemizi sürekli geliştirmeli,
Müşterilerimiz ve tedarikçi firmalarımız ile kalite konusunda işbirliği yapmalı,
Çalışma yaşamının kalitesini iyileştirmeli,
Personelimizin eğitimine önem vermeli,
Teknolojik gelişmeleri izlemeli,
Kalite konusunda tüm personelin duyarlı olmasını sağlamalıyız

With the development of the industry over the years, ORWELD WELDING WIRES, AS UNORMAK INSTITUTION, started to serve in order to produce MIG/MAG and TIG Wires, Cored Wires, Submerged Submerged Powders and Wires in order to respond to the needs of welding consumables. The arc welding wire has now become the most widely used welding consumable material in the welding industry. With our professional and sectoral experience with Orweld, we provide customizable services that our customers need. With the understanding of continuous development, our main principle is to be a strong and reliable organization to meet the needs and expectations of our customers.

All of our employees are responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction and continuity in quality. Quality is our most important business.

With the voluntary participation of all our employees for the solid foundations of our future;

It should make productivity and quality continuous in production,
Protect our competitiveness by reducing production costs,
We should constantly improve our quality,
Cooperation on quality with our customers and suppliers should do,
Improve the quality of working life,
It should give importance to the training of our personnel,
Must follow technological developments,
We must ensure that all personnel are sensitive about quality.

With the development of the industry over the years, ORWELD WELDING WIRES, AS UNORMAK INSTITUTION, started to serve in order to produce MIG/MAG and TIG Wires, Cored Wires, Submerged Submerged Powders and Wires in order to respond to the needs of welding consumables. The arc welding wire has now become the most widely used welding consumable material in the welding industry. With our professional and sectoral experience with Orweld, we provide customizable services that our customers need. With the understanding of continuous development, our main principle is to be a strong and reliable organization to meet the needs and expectations of our customers.

All of our employees are responsible for ensuring customer satisfaction and continuity in quality. Quality is our most important business.

With the voluntary participation of all our employees for the solid foundations of our future;

It should make productivity and quality continuous in production,
Protect our competitiveness by reducing production costs,
We should constantly improve our quality,
Cooperation on quality with our customers and suppliers should do,
Improve the quality of working life,
It should give importance to the training of our personnel,
Must follow technological developments,
We must ensure that all personnel are sensitive about quality.

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